Friday, December 10, 2010

~ yoU cant breaK a gUrL who is aLready broKen ~

Friday, April 9, 2010

wAg mUng bItaWan

aNg aYaW muNg mKiTaNg

hAwAk nG iBa......

tUwInG nAaAlAlA

kO nA naGkA gUzTo aQu

sAu nAtAtaWa nLaNg aKu!!!.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

happiness is like a butterfly

the more you chase it,the more

it will elude to you,but if you turn

your attention to other things, it will

come softly on your shoulder........

its all about taking chances
about doing something (everyone)
said you could not do.

its about being goofy
its about not caring what other
people think.

its about learning
to love what you have.
that is life!!!!!!

A friend is someone you can be

alone with and have nothing to do

and not be able to think of anything

to say and be comfortable in the


- chinitz 27


gOnNa bE

" ♥ OnE lEsS loNeLy gIrL ♥ "